
Regular Testing For STDs – Is It Necessary?

Disclaimer: This article has been created for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide medical advice or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


Are you concerned about your sexual health?

What is STD?

STD sexually transmitted disease(s) is a type of infectious disease that is spread primarily through sexual contact, including vaginal sex, oral sex and anal sex. It can be largely prevented by using protection such as condoms during sexual activity.

Some common STDs include Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, HIV/AIDS, Herpes and Hepatitis B. Receiving prompt treatment can reduce the risk of long term complications or transmitting the infection to others. Taking precautions such as practicing safe sex and getting tested regularly is key to preventing the spread of STDs.

What is STD Screening?

It is the process of testing for the presence of an STD. Screening is recommended for anyone who has had unprotected sex, which puts them at risk for infection. Depending on the type of STD, different tests may be necessary to diagnose and treat the condition. It is important to remember that many STDs do not produce any symptoms, so regular screening is essential in detecting and treating infection promptly.

How Do I Get Tested for an STD?

Getting tested for an STD is a straightforward process. Most often, a healthcare provider will perform a physical examination and ask questions about your sexual history and any symptoms you are experiencing before deciding which tests to order.

In some cases, blood or urine samples may be taken, while in others, swabs of genital fluid or tissue may be collected for testing. After the tests have been completed, the results will be available within a week or so.

Your healthcare provider can provide further information about your specific tests and help you understand the results.


The Types of STDs Tests

Urine Tests:

Urine is tested for the presence of a variety of STDs including gonorrhea, c

hlamydia, parasites and urinary tract infections.

Blood Tests:

Blood tests are used to detect antibodies that your body produces in response to an STD infection. These tests can detect infections such as syphilis, hepatitis B, herpes simplex virus (HSV) type 1 & 2 and HIV/AIDS.

Throat Swab:

A throat swab test is used to collect a sample of cells from the back of your throat and then analyze them for the presence of any infectious agents that may be causing an STD. This test is usually done if you experience symptoms such as sore throat or fever that could be caused by an STD.

Anal and Vaginal Swabs:

An anal swab and a vaginal swab are used to sample cells from the anus or vagina in order to detect any infectious agents causing an STD. These tests can help diagnose infections such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, herpes and bacterial vaginosis (BV).

What to Expect During your First STD Screening

Your healthcare provider will discuss your sexual history with you before testing. This includes asking about any previous partners and whether or not you have had unprotected sex.

Your doctor may also ask if any of your partners have had any STDs. During the physical examination, your healthcare provider will check for signs of an STD such as rashes or sores. They may also take a sample of bodily fluids such as urine, blood or relevant body tissue for further testing in a laboratory.

The Importance of Regular Testing

It’s important to get tested regularly for STDs even if you are in a committed relationship or believe you don’t have any symptoms.

This is because some STDs can be present without causing any noticeable symptoms and left untreated, they can lead to serious health complications. Regular testing allows for early detection and prompt treatment of an infection if one is present.

It also reduces the risk of transmitting the disease to others if you are diagnosed with an STD.

In Conclusion

STD testing is an important step in promoting sexual health and preventing the spread of sexually transmitted infections. Regular testing for STDs can help detect any infections that are present early on so that they can be treated promptly and reduce the risk of spreading them to others.

If you think you may have been exposed to an STD, speak to your healthcare provider or contact us about getting tested.

Disclaimer: We have attempted to provide full, accurate and up to date information in this blog, based on current medical evidence and opinion. However, information and advice may vary from different sources, and over time. If you have any further questions, see your doctor for a more accurate diagnosis of your concerns.

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Frequently Asked Questions


When should I go for STD screening?

You should consider screening if you have symptoms of a possible STD, if you have had a recent risky exposure (unprotected sex with a casual partner), or both.

Can I get STDs from oral sex?

Yes, you can. The common misconception is that oral sex is not considered ‘real’ sex and therfore has no risk but the opposite is true. Often oral sex is performed without protection and this is why infections such as chlamydia and gonorrhoea can pass on through oral sex.

Can STDs be cured?

Thankfully the majority can be cured but there are some such as Herpes and HIV that can be treated but not cured. This is why prevention is better than cure and ensuring safe sex goes a long way to reduce your risks.

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