
The Risks of Unsafe Sexual Practices

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational and educational purposes only. Please consult with your doctor for any medical advice or concerns.


Sexual activity is quite prevalent among young adults in Singapore. It has been observed that by the age of 21, a significant number of men and women in Singapore have engaged in sexual intercourse at least once. However, it is concerning that not all individuals are practising safe sex consistently. In fact, there is a lack of awareness among some people regarding the potential dangers associated with unprotected sex and unsafe sexual practices. These risky behaviours can inadvertently facilitate the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) into the body. When patients seek consultation at STD clinics in Singapore, it is often discovered that they are unaware of how certain sexual acts can lead to such detrimental consequences. Sexual activity is a natural and enjoyable part of human life, but it also requires responsibility and caution. With the rise of dating apps and increased openness towards sexual topics, it is important to educate yourselves on safe sex practices and STD prevention.

In this article, we will delve into several common practices among Singaporeans who engage in sexual activity, shedding light on why these practices can pose a significant risk to their overall sexual health.

One common practice among Singaporeans is engaging in casual or non-monogamous relationships. While this may be consensual between partners, it also increases the risk of contracting STDs. Many people may assume that they are in a monogamous relationship and not practise safe sex, only to find out later that their partner has been engaging in sexual activities with others.

Another risky behaviour is the lack of condom use during sexual intercourse. While condoms may not provide 100% protection against all STDs, it can provide a barrier against bodily fluids and can greatly reduce the risk of STD transmission. However, many people still engage in unprotected sex due to various reasons such as lack of education, discomfort with using protection, or simply not thinking about the potential consequences. This can lead to the spread of STDs and even unwanted pregnancies.

Not using a condom properly, such as not wearing it throughout the entire duration of sexual intercourse, can also increase the risk of STD transmission. It is important for individuals to know how to use condoms correctly and consistently in order for them to be effective.

Here are essential guidelines to ensure optimal protection when using a condom:

Some individuals may engage in sexual activities under the influence of alcohol or drugs. This can impair judgement and lead to risky behaviours such as unprotected sex with multiple partners. It is important to practise safe sex at all times, even in the midst of a night out or partying.

In addition, there is a lack of knowledge about the different types of STDs and how they are transmitted. Some people may believe that only penetrative sex can lead to STDs, but in reality, STDs can be transmitted through other forms of sexual activity such as oral and anal sex. This lack of awareness can lead to a false sense of security and result in individuals engaging in risky sexual behaviours.

Get Tested for STD/STI

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are transmitted between individuals through sexual activities, such as oral, vaginal, or anal sex, as well as genital contact or exposure to sexual fluids like semen. These infections can be caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites.

Getting tested regularly for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and infections (STIs) is important for maintaining your sexual health. However, even with regular testing, it’s possible to come across a situation where you suspect that you may have contracted an STD or STI.

For best results, it is generally recommended to follow these guidelines:

It is advisable to get tested between 23 to 90 days.

Testing should be done between 5 days to 2 weeks.

Testing is recommended between 5 days to 2 weeks.

Testing can be done within 2 to 12 weeks (swabs can be done with symptoms present while blood tests can be performed at 12 weeks onwards).

It is recommended to get tested between 8 to 12 weeks.

What to Do if You Suspect an STD?

If this happens, it’s important not to panic and to take the necessary steps to address your concerns. Here are some things you can do if you suspect that you have an STD or STI:

If you have had sexual contact with someone, it’s important to inform them that you suspect you may have an STD or STI. This not only helps them get tested and treated, but it also allows for honest and open communication about sexual health in your relationship.

The only way to know for sure if you have an STD or STI is to get tested. Visit a healthcare provider or a local clinic that offers testing services. They will be able to perform the necessary tests and provide you with accurate results.

If you suspect that you have an STD or STI, it’s important to avoid any sexual contact until you have been tested and treated. This not only protects your partner(s) from potential infection but also prevents the spread of the disease.

Testing can be done within 2 to 12 weeks (swabs can be done with symptoms present while blood tests can be performed at 12 weeks onwards).

If your test results come back positive for an STD or STI, it’s important to seek medical treatment as soon as possible. Many STDs and STIs can be easily treated with medication, but leaving them untreated can lead to more serious health issues.

To reduce your risk of contracting an STD or STI, it’s important to practise safe sex. This includes using condoms, getting tested regularly, and limiting sexual partners.

Remember, if you suspect that you may have an STD or STI, it’s important not to ignore your concerns. Taking the necessary steps to address the issue can help protect your health and the health of those around you.  So, prioritise your sexual health and don’t hesitate to seek medical assistance if needed.


Engaging in unsafe sex practices can have serious consequences on an individual’s sexual health. It is important to educate ourselves and others on safe sex practices and STD prevention. Remember to always use condoms correctly and consistently, avoid risky behaviours such as non-monogamous relationships and under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and consult a healthcare provider for any concerns about sexual health. Let’s strive towards a society where everyone embraces and practices safe sex for a healthier and more fulfilling sexual life.  So, let’s take responsibility for our sexual health and make informed decisions to protect ourselves and others from the potential risks of unsafe sex practices. We hope this article has shed light on the importance of practising safe sex and encourages you to spread awareness among your peers. Stay safe!  

Disclaimer: We have attempted to provide full, accurate and up to date information in this blog, based on current medical evidence and opinion. However, information and advice may vary from different sources, and over time. If you have any further questions, see your doctor for a more accurate diagnosis of your concerns.

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Frequently Asked Questions


When should I go for STD screening?

You should consider screening if you have symptoms of a possible STD, if you have had a recent risky exposure (unprotected sex with a casual partner), or both.

Can I get STDs from oral sex?

Yes, you can. The common misconception is that oral sex is not considered ‘real’ sex and therfore has no risk but the opposite is true. Often oral sex is performed without protection and this is why infections such as chlamydia and gonorrhoea can pass on through oral sex.

Can STDs be cured?

Thankfully the majority can be cured but there are some such as Herpes and HIV that can be treated but not cured. This is why prevention is better than cure and ensuring safe sex goes a long way to reduce your risks.

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